Saturday, September 1, 2012

A New Year in 2nd Grade! August 2012

It's been a busy start to the school year! I have a great class. They are so sweet! Here are some pictures of my classroom. This is my behavior chart. Don't know why I didn't think of this before. LOL! I laminated calendar numbers and each child has one. Every day they start on green. Yellow is just a warning. If they go to orange they miss 5 minutes of recess. If they go to red then they miss all of recess and have to fill out a discipline form. They have to take it home and get it signed. If they have a great day they can go to purple.
 At Paloma we have Wednesday College Days! My class has NAU shirts!
 On the left is my reading AR incentive chart.
On the right is my birthday chart!
The first week we talked about how we are all special and completed an All About Me Page.
We read Chrysanthemum and talked about not bullying others. They loved the story and loved making themselves! 
 At the end of the first day we talked about writing. They filled out a graphic organizer with what they wore, who they met, how they felt, and what did they do. We talked about the transition words and then they wrote their stories. I was so impressed.

 We started Day 1 with using a Math Journal. I gave them each a label and showed them several ways to solve the problem. They love it!!!
 We learned about even and odd numbers and each child made either an even or odd house.
 Here are my class rules.

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